Tuesday, December 8, 2009

12/7/09 X2 Mood Boost

I had the pleasure of recieving a x2 mood boost at the 'place' today for wearing double pants.
Not sure if that ever puts anyone else in a better mood, but I find that wearing jeans underneath my uniform does exactly that for me.

I recently went on a Baal-zebub thing, looking for things about that god of Ekron, and I found a bible verse involving him. It was pretty exciting I thought. Mostly because I love the song Beelzeboss by Tenacious D.

I so badly want to draw a comic up of eventful things that happen to me in my day-to-day life, but I cant get the drawings come out on paper even remotely the way I imagine them to be. Its rather frusterating. But I suppose it cant be helped. Just need to practice more I suppose.

I would also much like to make a video blog, but as soon as the camera gets going, I cant think of anything to say, or any way to say it to make it seem at all interesting.

I have dinner leftovers to put away, so I suppose I shall report back at some later date.

1 comment:

  1. A video blog would be awesome... Its something I often think about but may never act on... But if you really wanna go for it I would say write out a script or a story board for it. I'm prtty sure a lot of the vlogs on youtube are scripted, at least to some extent.
