Tuesday, December 8, 2009

12/8/09 Pay

'the place' summoned me this morning. Really pissed me off at first, but Ive gotten over it since then. Money speaks.

Saftey pins...so sharp and unforgiving. Not sure why they decided to put 'safety' in the name of something so potentialy dangerous.

The others at 'the place' must think theres something wrong with me. Always saying I can talk to them about anything I need to and how they wont tell a soul. Thinking they're trustworthy enough to know my secrets. No matter though, I suppose they'll find out eventually. It always seems to work out that way.

Road rage seems so pointless, dont you think? Putting yourself and other innocents in danger for the sole purpose of venting your slight bout of fury. You may think it helps, but in reality you just look to everyone else like nothing more than an immature child, throwing a temper tantrum over nothing.

The homeless. Much like the spider hiding in the corner. Everyone knows they're there, but no one feels like taking care of them in any way. Either by sheltering them, or by snuffing them out.

I find it amazing how some people can spend almost their entire life focusing on ONE thing. I for one, dont have the patience or perciveriance to live my life for one single thing. Or maybe I just havent found anything important or interesting enough yet. Maybe I just havent lived long enough to have had the opportunity yet. Though I think it would be rather boring to spend my life on one subject, so maybe its better if I never find it.

You really cant tell a damn thing about a person by what kind of music they listen to. At least not about me. I was just thinking, I listen to such a diverse selection of music, that anyone who went through my playlist wouldnt know what to think of me, or where to start.

12/7/09 X2 Mood Boost

I had the pleasure of recieving a x2 mood boost at the 'place' today for wearing double pants.
Not sure if that ever puts anyone else in a better mood, but I find that wearing jeans underneath my uniform does exactly that for me.

I recently went on a Baal-zebub thing, looking for things about that god of Ekron, and I found a bible verse involving him. It was pretty exciting I thought. Mostly because I love the song Beelzeboss by Tenacious D.

I so badly want to draw a comic up of eventful things that happen to me in my day-to-day life, but I cant get the drawings come out on paper even remotely the way I imagine them to be. Its rather frusterating. But I suppose it cant be helped. Just need to practice more I suppose.

I would also much like to make a video blog, but as soon as the camera gets going, I cant think of anything to say, or any way to say it to make it seem at all interesting.

I have dinner leftovers to put away, so I suppose I shall report back at some later date.