Monday, February 1, 2010

2/1/10 Boredom

I had intended for this to be an almost daily thing, but like most other things I start, I never got around to sticking to it to the finish. But no matter, for Ive remembered!

Had a bit of a paranoid scare earlier tonight. Had the horrible thought that my grandma might be dead since shes been in bed since around noon today and hasn't even come out to eat or anything. So I muted the TV and stood listening outside her bedroom door until I could hear her breathing. It was a great relief. I would have opened the door and gone in to check, but I thought 'But what if she is dead? I don't want to find her that way' So instead I just listened.

I want to find a new job, but its rather troublesome since there aren't many options for my age. At least not many that have almost nothing to do with food and are remotely interesting to me. I'm thinking maybe a video store, there's 3 in town that I know of. Its just a matter of getting out the and getting applications, though I seem to be procrastinating. Gotta stop doing that...

The Science Channel is beckoning to me so I shall now depart. For sooth and farewell.