Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Zero call= No new job
...guess I should just be lucky I have a job at all...

Monday, April 26, 2010


There are 19...19! other people trying for the same position I am T^T Im doomed
I wont know if I got the job until tomorrow night, that's when she says shes making her decision. If I get a call from her, I win, if not, better luck next time. *sigh* Kinda freaking out on the inside a lot.
But I do think the interview went really well, she seemed to like me, and almost every time I answered a question she would take notes and say "Oh! I like that answer!"
Anyways, yeah, Im nervous...and bored...kind of a weird combo...I think Im gonna go raid Pams kitchen now AND SHES NOT HERE TO STOP ME!!! BWAHAHAHAAAA *cough cough*

Thursday, April 8, 2010

True Story!

There was this blue shirt guy that came in to the store today, and when he walked in, he took his sunglasses off all cool like Horacio from CSI:Miami. So while taking his order...
Me: Do you watch CSI:Miami?
Blue Shirt Guy:, why?
Me: Well, the way you took off your sunglasses when you walked in reminded me of Horacio from that show.
BSG: Really? *looks away and puts on his sunglasses* And that... *turns to me and takes his sunglasses off* Is what Id like for lunch today...
Me: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAA! Thats awesome!

Then later there was this lady who came in with her Mom, and her Mom was kinda weird because she only drinks warm water, but I wasnt going to give her tap water, so I got her some hot tea water, but told her that its really hot and to be careful and blah blah blah, and I was being my general at work helpful friendly super awesome self and all, and then later before she left, she came over to the shake station where Carrie and I were:
Lady: Is this the manager?
Me: Yes... (crap crap crap, what did I do wrong now?)
Lady: *to Carrie* Well she was just great. I teach customer service classes, and she was just perfect. She did things I didnt even think about just to make our experience here that much more pleasant. You need to put a recommendation in her folder.
Me: 8D
Carrie: ...ookay, thanks, have a great day
Me: Thanks for coming in, have a great day~ 8D

A bit after that though, Jess had to go potty and since counter was dead, she asked me to cover drive thru for her for a bit...
Jess: *taking off her headset and handing it to me* She hasn't started her order yet, here *doing pee pee dance*
Me: *takes headset and puts it on* Okie dokie.
Jess: *leaves to bathroom*
Me: *waits forever before the lady actually starts her order, then starts taking next order too*
Jess: *comes back from bathroom*
Me: *during pause in the order, takes off headset and hands it back to Jess* Here you go, if you hurry, you can hear the last half of the order ^^
Jess: *hurries and puts headset back on, and finishes the order*

After MaryLou got there, I had her call HO for me, because there was money taken out of my check that I thought shouldn't have been since I canceled my health care through work last month, but I canceled during the wrong part of the pay period or something like that, and my $10 is forever lost to me.

Right before my shift ended, I got really bored and decided I was going to annoy MaryLou. I dedicated a whole fifteen minutes of my life to pissing her off. It was a total success.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

3:21 in the morning -.-

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Monday, February 1, 2010

2/1/10 Boredom

I had intended for this to be an almost daily thing, but like most other things I start, I never got around to sticking to it to the finish. But no matter, for Ive remembered!

Had a bit of a paranoid scare earlier tonight. Had the horrible thought that my grandma might be dead since shes been in bed since around noon today and hasn't even come out to eat or anything. So I muted the TV and stood listening outside her bedroom door until I could hear her breathing. It was a great relief. I would have opened the door and gone in to check, but I thought 'But what if she is dead? I don't want to find her that way' So instead I just listened.

I want to find a new job, but its rather troublesome since there aren't many options for my age. At least not many that have almost nothing to do with food and are remotely interesting to me. I'm thinking maybe a video store, there's 3 in town that I know of. Its just a matter of getting out the and getting applications, though I seem to be procrastinating. Gotta stop doing that...

The Science Channel is beckoning to me so I shall now depart. For sooth and farewell.